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Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Directors  >  Sergei M. Eisenstein
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Sergei M. Eisenstein

Born 23 January 1898 in Riga, Russian Empire (now Latvia), as Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein.
Died 11 February 1948 in Moscow, Russia, USSR.

Sergei M. Eisenstein established himself as a world-class filmmaker with his first feature film Stachka [Strike] (1924), and went on to establish himself as a cinematic genius with his next, Bronenosets ‘Potyomkin’ [The Battleship Potemkin] (1925).

References: Website-IMDb.

Silent era Sergei Eisenstein films available on home video
Book : Beyond the Stars: The Memoirs of Sergei Eisenstein edited by Richard Taylor

Book : Immoral Memories: An Autobiography by Sergei Eisenstein

Book : Notes of a Film Director by Sergei Eisenstein

Book : Film Form: Essays in Film Theory by Sergei Eisenstein

Book : Sergei M. Eisenstein by Marie Seton

Book: Sergei M. Eisenstein: Notes for a General History of Cinema edited by Naum Kleiman and Antonio Somaini

Book : Eisenstein: The Growth of a Cinematic Genius by Yon Barna

Book : Eisenstein’s Potemkin: A Shot-by-Shot Presentation by David Mayer
Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Directors  >  Sergei M. Eisenstein
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Battleship Potemkin BD

Strike BD

Strike DVD

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