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Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Directors  >  Fritz Lang
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Photograph: Silent Era image collection.

Fritz Lang

Born 5 December 1890 in Vienna, Austria.
Died 2 August 1976 in Beverly Hills, California, USA.

Fritz Lang began film work in 1917 by selling scenarios to film producer/director Joe May. Directed his first film, Halbblut [The Half-Breed] in 1919. His first important work was the two-part action film Die Spinnen [Spiders] (1919). Went on the direct some of the most-important German films of the silent era: Der müde Tod [Destiny] (1921), Dr. Mabuse, der spieler [Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler] (1922), Die Nibelungen (1924), Metropolis (1927) and Spione [Spies] (1928).

Lang emigrated to America in the 1930s and continued to direct in Hollywood. Lang returned to Germany to direct a couple of films late in his career.

Fritz Lang Silent Era Filmography

Silent era Fritz Lang films available on home video

Book : Fritz Lang: The Nature of the Beast by Patrick McGilligan

Book : Fritz Lang by Lotte Eisner

Book : Fritz Lang: Interviews edited by Barry Keith Grant

Book : Fritz Lang in America by Peter Bogdanovich

Book : The Films of Fritz Lang: Allegories of Vision and Modernity by Tom Gunning

Book : Fritz Lang’s Metropolis: Cinematic Visions of Technology and Fear
edited by Michael Minden and Holger Bachmann

Book : Fritz Lang: Genre and Representation in His American Films by Reynold Humphries

Documentary : Fritz Lang: Circle of Destiny on DVD
Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Directors  >  Fritz Lang
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Lang Silent Films BD Boxset

Metropolis BD

The Spiders BD

Spies BD

Woman in the Moon BD

Feuillade Box BD

Pandora's Box BD

Annie Laurie BD

Pace That Kills BD

Carmen BD

Anna Boleyn BD

Spanish Dancer BD