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Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  Info  >  Stan Laurel Silent Era Films on Home Video
Silent Era Films on Home Video
Reviews of silent film releases on home video.
Copyright © 1999-2024 by Carl Bennett
and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.
Stan Laurel
Silent Era Films
on Home Video
coverBears and Bad Men (1918)
Call of the Cuckoo (1927)
Chasing the Chaser (1925)
Detained (1924)
Dr. Pyckle and Mr. Pride (1925)
Do You Love Your Wife? (1919)
The Egg (1922)
Frauds and Frenzies (1918)
Frozen Hearts (1923)
Get ’em Young (1926)
Half a Man (1925)
The Handy Man (1923)
Huns and Hyphens (1918)
Hustling for Health (1919)
Just Rambling Along (1918)
Kill or Cure (1923)
Love ’em and Weep (1927)
The Lucky Dog (1921)
A Man About Town (1923)
Mandarin Mix-Up (1924)
Mother’s Joy (1923)
Mud and Sand (1922)
Navy Blue Days (1925)
Near Dublin (1924)
The Noon Whistle (1923)
Nuts in May (1917)
On the Front Page (1926)
Oranges and Lemons (1923)
Pick and Shovel (1923)
Pie-Eyed (1925)
Postage Due (1924)
Putting Pants on Philip (1927)
Roughest Africa (1923)
Rupert of Hee-Haw (1924)
Scorching Sands (1923)
Short Kilts (1924)
Short Orders (1923)
Should Tall Men Marry? (1928)
The Sleuth (1925)
Smithy (1924)
The Snow Hawk (1925)
The Soilers (1923)
Somewhere in Wrong (1925)
Under Two Jags (1923)
A Weak-End Party (1922)
West of Hot Dog (1924)
White Wings (1923)
Yes, Yes, Nanette (1925)
Zeb vs. Paprika (1924)

Collections and boxsets that include silent era Stan Laurel films:
American Slapstick (1914-1929)
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Collection (1912-1955)
Early Silent Classics of Laurel and Hardy, Volume 1 (1922-1926)
Early Silent Classics of Laurel and Hardy, Volume 2 (1917-1926)
Early Silent Classics of Laurel and Hardy, Volume 3 (1924-1943)
Early Silent Classics of Laurel and Hardy, Volume 4 (1923-1926)
Early Silent Classics of Laurel and Hardy, Volume 5 (1916-1924)
Early Silent Classics of Laurel and Hardy, Volume 6 (1916-1927)
A Festival of Silent Comedy, Volume 2 (1916-1926)
Laurel & Hardy: Year One (1922-1928)
Laurel or Hardy (1914-1926)
The Laurel or Hardy Collection (1917-1927)
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Volume One (1918-1929)
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Volume Two (1923-1929)
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Volume Three (1922-1929)
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Volume Four (1924-1936)
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Volume Five (1924-1929)
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Volume Six (1923-1929)
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Volume Seven (1927-1934)
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Volume Eight (1923-1928)
The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy, Volume Nine (1926-1928)
Slapstick Encyclopedia (1909-1929)
The Stan Laurel Collection (1923-1925)
The Stan Laurel Collection, Volume 2 (1918-1926)
A Stan Laurel Reference Library, Volume One: 1890-1918 (1918-1919)
A Stan Laurel Reference Library, Volume Two: 1918-1922 (1918-1923)

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Laurel or Hardy BD

Laurel & Hardy Year 1 BD

Feuillade Box BD

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Carmen BD

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Vitagraph BD

Seven Footprints BD

Floating Weeds BD

Road to Ruin BD

Cat and the Canary BD

Accidentally Preserved Vol 5 BD

Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  Info  >  Stan Laurel Silent Era Films on Home Video
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